Incomplete work at the Shaw & Crompton Medical Centre branded “ridiculous and unacceptable”

Shaw and Crompton’s new medical centre is still awaiting the completion of overdue groundworks affecting footpaths, car parking and lighting.
The Centre – which opened to patients this summer – has been waiting for Electricity North West to complete the work which still has no end in sight despite pressure from Developers, Liberal Democrat councillors and Oldham Council. Electricity North West is required to carry out the work under ‘s278’ obligations which cover changes to public highways caused by new developments and are the ONLY agency who can undertake the work.
Liberal Democrat Group Leader and Shaw representative Councillor Howard Sykes said, “Its ridiculous and unacceptable that more than six months on from opening, part of the site of our new medical centre is still looking like a building site. Also, pavements final finishes cannot be completed. There are car parking spaces that can’t be used. It’s just a joke. The Developer has kept their side of the bargain and it is Electricity North West who are dragging their feet.
“I urge Electricity North West to stop dragging their feet and making excuses. It’s about finishing the job and ensuring our new medical centre and town centre is finished off and accessible. Local residents, shoppers and users of the medical centre have had enough. It is time they got their finger out and finished the job.”