Oldham Liberal Democrats welcome youth mobility scheme with the EU
Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has welcomed news that the government is has agreed to discuss a youth mobility scheme with the European Union.
The Liberal Democrats are committed to making a difference to Oldham. As the real opposition on Oldham Council, we hold the about administration to account on issues such as their major projects, such as Spindles, where they have a long history of overspending and under-delivery.
Oldham Liberal Democrat Leader councillor Howard Sykes MBE has welcomed news that the government is has agreed to discuss a youth mobility scheme with the European Union.
The lack of electric vehicle charging points across Oldham Borough has once again come into the limelight as Oldham Council is set to revisit its strategy for encouraging electric vehicles (EVs).
Oldham's budget proposals from the Labour administration were rubber stamped by its Cabinet last week, after its consultation process completed two weeks after their budget proposals were signed off.
The UK must once again stand tall, leading on the world stage and working closely with those who share our interests – including, above all, our partners in Europe.
No child should ever have to experience sexual abuse. These are horrifying crimes that cause so much harm to the children who are victims. We will keep up the pressure so that the action needed to make our communities safe all children finally happens.
Government must deliver the change people are yearning for